Join us at our monthly
Climate Cafe

Sustaining NB is part of the Climate Café® Network. Our regulars at the cafe are a mix of all ages, some with specialist professional knowledge, others just with an interest in areas like local food or energy issues. We bring as many people together as possible to meet monthly for a general chat on all things ‘climate and sustainability’ at a global or local scale. It’s totally informal, try joining us and see what you think….newcomers are most welcome.


We like getting together for a sociable chat


Caffeinated or decaffeinated we don’t care!


We try to put the world to rights – thinking globally, acting locally


We like meeting with other groups to work collaboratively

Ever worked your way through an inspiring book that generated as many questions as it did answers? Why not discuss these issues with others at our book club.

Get involved in our
Climate & Nature Book Club

You can even join us on demonstrations ……

Over the years SNB has been at numerous climate demonstrations in Glasgow and Edinburgh

What do volunteers say about Sustaining NB?

SNB is a fantastic group that gets involved in a wide range of issues locally. Climate chaos can make your feel powerless but at least I feel I’m doing something positive at a local scale that will help future generations.”

SNB Cafes are a stimulating place for a monthly chat about issues I care about. I’ve also joined the book club so I can talk to others about these issues and share our learning.”

I wanted to join a group that puts green issues first, that stands up for things in the community that, in the past, have not got the attention they deserve. It is time we cared more about our local environment.”

Latest news from our blog

Sustaining North Berwick has produced a Local Food Directory for North Berwick – a guide to where you can shop sustainably in North Berwick. We have written this to celebrate the great opportunities we have here to buy a wide range of food produced in East […]
East Lothian Climate Action Network (ELCAN) and Lil CIC, with support from Scottish Communities Climate Action Network have been successful in securing funding from the Scottish Government to set up an East Lothian Climate Hub. The new Hub was launched at Queen Margaret University on 23rd […]
Sustaining NB’s AGM is taking place on Tuesday, 7th May at 7.30pm in St Andrews Blackadder Church. We will be launching the Local Food Directory alongside a talk by Daniel Wight from Tyninghame Community Farm who will be talking about his experience working in Community Supported […]

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