Latest Past Events

August Climate Cafe

St Andrew Blackadder Church High Street, North Berwick

Our regular monthly climate cafes take place on the last Saturday of every month at 10am.  Come along for a cuppa, find out what Sustaining NB and other groups have been up to. This month we will have someone from Climate Ready South East Scotland join us.

Your vision of a sustainable, thriving East Lothian with East Lothian Climate Hub.

Wild Side Tent, Lodge Grounds at Fringe by the Sea

 What might our shared futures look like in a thriving, sustainable East Lothian, and what are we going to do next to make this happen?   Come along to hear some of the ideas people have had already for a resilient, sustainable East Lothian and what the next steps will be. 

Beach Clean

meet outside Seabird Centre, North Berwick

One of three Beach Cleans taking place during Fringe by the Sea. Today's is part of a wider Bioblitz. We will meet at the Seabird Centre at 2pm   Please come and join us on any or all of the dates